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Вакансии Днепра Работа. Предложения о работе в Днепре

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Старый 31.05.2012, 15:49   #1
Регистрация: 28.05.2012
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Tash на пути к лучшему
По умолчанию вакансия для программиста C/C++ под Linux

Required skills:
• Experience in telecom domain
• Good programming experience in C and C++
• 2+ years of experience in industrial or embedded software development
• BA or Master's degree in computer science
• Development experience in Telecom projects related to IP protocols, WIMAX, LTE, WiFi development
• Ability to understand and investigate interaction of elements in network protocols
• Real-time Operating Systems and/or multithreaded applications knowledge
• Fluent in English
• Good communication skills
Job Responsibilities:
• Developing, testing and documenting new features for absolutely new PMP product based on WiFi 802.11n solution
• Analyzing and resolving bugs
Project description:
Cambium Networks is a dynamic, growth-oriented company serving an exponentially growing industry.
Cambium Networks provides professional grade fixed wireless broadband and microwave solutions for customers around the world. Solutions are deployed in thousands of networks in over 153 countries, with our innovative technologies providing reliable, secure, cost-effective connectivity that’s easy to deploy and proven to deliver outstanding metrics.
Cambium Networks has two development centers: Schaumburg, IL, USA and Ashburton, Devon, UK.
Another development center is creating inside GlobalLogic.

Вакансия предополагает переезд в Киев (!!!)
В случае переезда компания предоставляет компенсационный пакет.

В резюме желательно указать уровень заработной платы, на которую Вы расчитываете.

e-mail: nataliia.rusakova@globallogic.com
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