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Старый 30.10.2024, 00:00   #1
Rudyard Kipling
Регистрация: 28.03.2024
Сообщений: 61
Сказал(а) спасибо: 0
Поблагодарили 0 раз(а) в 0 сообщениях
Вес репутации: 17
Rudyard Kipling на пути к лучшему
По умолчанию How much is the fee for using Perfect Money?

If you are a forex trader, you have heard of Perfect Money. Perfect money is one of the financial transfer tools on the internet, which has made it possible to easily transfer money between people. As you know, Iranians cannot use international credit cards such as MasterCard and Visa. Also, they cannot use PayPal services for their money transfers. These restrictions have made Perfect Money very ular among Iranians. One of the uses of Perfect Money is charging forex accounts in brokers. Due to the restrictions we have mentioned and the existence of international sanctions, it is not possible for Iranians to make direct deposits and charge forex accounts through the usual methods such as credit cards. Find more information: https://perfectvoucher.com/

Most of the brokers provided this possibility for their customers to recharge their accounts through Perfect Money. But what is perfect money? Is it easy to use? Stay with us until the end of this article so that we can introduce you to the Perfect Money payment system. Also, all the registration and activity training on the Perfect Money website is provided for you in video form. Perfect Money charges a 1.99% withdrawal fee from unauthenticated users, but this fee is reduced to 0.5% if you verify your Perfect Money account. To authenticate your Perfect Money account, refer to Perfect Money account authentication.

Perfect Money can be transferred in two ways, the first method is to transfer Volt to Volt and the second method is to transfer Perfect Money in the form of a Perfect Money voucher. In transferring Volt to Volt, you should send your Perfect Money account ID, which is the same as your wallet address, to the person. and the desired amount will be transferred to your Perfect Money account. In transferring to Vecher Perfect Money, you receive the desired amount in the form of two 10-digit and 16-digit codes and use it for the desired person or on a site that serves you through VecherPerfect Money.
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