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По умолчанию Step-by-Step Guide to SAP FICO Month-End Closing Activities

Month-end closing in SAP FICO is a critical process for ensuring accte financial reporting, reconciling accounts, and preparing financial statements. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the SAP FICO month-end closing process:
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1. Preliminary Tasks & Data Validation
Before diving into the month-end process, perform some preliminary checks.

Check for Open Items: Review open accounts payable and accounts receivable items for any discrepancies or unprocessed items.
Run Reports: Ensure that all pending transactions and adjustments are posted, and run reports to check for inconsistencies in the data (e.g., Trial Balance, GL Account Balances, etc.).
Bank Reconciliation: Reconcile bank statements with SAP to ensure there are no discrepancies.
Check for Missing Documents: Make sure all invoices and financial transactions are entered into SAP before starting the closing process.
2. Post and Clear Journal Entries
Post Manual Journal Entries: Review and post all journal entries, such as accruals, reclassification, and depreciation adjustments for the period.
Clear Open Items: In the Accounts Payable (AP) and Accounts Receivable (AR) submodules, ensure that all open items are cleared. This can involve clearing customer/vendor invoices, credit memos, and payments.
Transaction Codes:
F-03: Clear open items in GL accounts
F-04: Clear open items in AP/AR
3. Perform Depreciation Run (Asset Accounting)
If your organization has fixed assets, you must run the depreciation calculation.

Run Depreciation Posting: Calculate depreciation for fixed assets for the period.
Transaction Code: AFAB
Review Depreciation Report: After posting, ensure depreciation is recorded correctly by reviewing the depreciation report.
Transaction Code: S_ALR_87011990
4. Perform Reconciliation of Accounts
This step is crucial to ensure that all financial statements align.

Reconcile General Ledger Accounts: Check for discrepancies between sub-ledgers (AP, AR, Asset Accounting) and the General Ledger (GL).
Transaction Codes:
F.01: Generate the balance sheet or trial balance
F-30: Post adjustments to GL accounts
Reconcile Sub-Ledgers (AP, AR, AA): Ensure that the balances in sub-ledgers match those in the general ledger.
5. Check for Unreconciled Entries and Pending Transactions
Unreconciled Entries: Check for any unreconciled or unmatched entries that may affect the closing process.
Pending Items: Identify and address any pending transactions in Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, or other sub-modules that need to be finalized.
6. Financial Reporting
Generate the necessary financial reports to ensure accte data and review the closing results.

Trial Balance: Run a Trial Balance to verify all postings.
Transaction Code: F.01
Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss: Generate these statements and review them to ensure that all accounts are balanced.
Transaction Codes:
S_ALR_87012284 (Balance Sheet)
S_ALR_87012291 (Profit & Loss)
Tax Reporting: Generate tax reports for the period (e.g., VAT, GST).
Transaction Codes:
S_ALR_87012357 (Tax Reports)
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7. Close Cost Centers & Internal Orders (CO Module)
In the Controlling (CO) module, you’ll need to ensure cost centers and internal orders are closed out for the period.

Close Internal Orders: Complete the internal order settlement for the month, ensuring all costs are allocated correctly.
Transaction Code: KO88
Post Cost Allocations: Run settlement or distribution of costs across cost centers, profit centers, or internal orders.
Transaction Codes:
KSU5: Transfer costs to cost centers
KSV5: Settlement of cost centers to internal orders
8. Perform Final Financial Close (FI Module)
At this point, all transactions, adjustments, and reconciliations should be completed.

Lock Period in Financial Accounting: Lock the period for posting further transactions to avoid errors.
Transaction Code: OB52
Execute Financial Closing: Run the final financial closing steps to lock the period for the month and ensure that all transactions are reflected in the reports.
Transaction Code: F.13 (Automatic Clearing)
9. Run Financial Statements and Final Reports
Once the closing is done, generate final reports and analyze them.

Run Final Financial Statements: Generate final versions of the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, and Trial Balance.
Transaction Code: S_ALR_87012284 (Balance Sheet)
Perform Variance Analysis: Check for any variances between actual vs. planned financial results, if applicable.
Review SAP FICO Reports: Review all necessary reports to ensure acccy for month-end closing.

Please visit our website:- Sap Fico Training in Pune
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