Information from the article by Legalservise lawyers, the full text can be read here
The issue of double taxation is crucial for people who live and work or earn income in more than one country. Or, let's say they work or have a business in one country but reside for more than half a year in another. This is an absolutely standard situation for digital nomads or entrepreneurs.
Working in this mode, there are unpleasant moments related to the fact that the payments received are subject to taxation both abroad and in Ukraine. This has a significant impact on the amount of income accrued.
Ukrainian companies that employ people in Poland, for example, get their profits from the work done, respectively, from Poland. In this case, taxes on income can be deducted both in Poland and when they are credited to Ukraine.
This situation can be optimized by obtaining a certificate of double taxation in Ukraine. Such certificate can be ready within 2 days, provided that the documents are properly prepared. The presence of the director or owner of the business is not necessary - everything can be done by power of attorney.
More information in the article. We couldn’t post the whole text here.