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Старый 27.02.2025, 06:30   #1
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vaild79 на пути к лучшему
По умолчанию http://vaild.work/login.html ! New Dumps / Track 1&2+PINS SERVICE First HAND 101-121-201 cc fullz FR

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Dear customers and dealers, welcome to the WaQing's CC+CVV store, the latest million base has been updated. Customers are welcome to call us for consultation.

We can find the BIN you need anywhere in the world.

The BIN we sell is of high quality and 100% effective,All of our rare BINs are sold for $15or$200.

We will not recommend bins to customers, we only accept reservations and sell rare bins.

Customers are welcome to call us for inquiries and purchases, and we will serve you wholeheartedly.

Business hours: 7/24 online

Tandin 1 base country list:


South Korea/Hong Kong/Canada/Taiwan/France/Brunei Darussalam/Brazil/Israel/Vietnam/Spain/United Arab Emirates/Saudi Arabia/New Zealand

Switzerland/Russian Federation/Norway/Republic of Moldova/Belgium/Maldives/Bangladesh/Italy/Sweden/Mexico/Lebanon/Austria/South Korea

Argentina/Finland/Chile/Sri Lanka/Turkey/Poland/Denmark/Ukraine/South Africa/Georgia/Pakistan/Portugal/Luxembourg/Peru/and customized countries

Sales methods and prices at Base No. 1:

All National Debit Card Credit Card Combinations - Credit Cards Only

Minimum purchase amount: 5CC

Retail price: 5$-20$

Effective: 70%-80% effective

Format: card number + date + CVV

Accept returns or exchanges within 5 minutes

Base 2 Country List:

AU AT AR BE BR CH CL CO CZ DE DK ES FR GB GR HR HU IE IL IT KW LT LV MX NL PH PL PT RO RS SA SE SL SK - Default Debit Card Credit Card Combination - Pure Credit Card

Sales methods and prices at Base No. 2:

Minimum purchase quantity: 5CC

Retail price: 10$-20$

Effective: 70%-80%

Format: Card number + date + CVV + name + address + city + state + zip code + phone number + email

Accept returns or exchanges within 5 minutes

In order to allow everyone to get the rare BINs they want, our team provides customized services for finding rare BINS, which are updated on time every day, please contact us.

Specified BIN sales method: We only guarantee that the card number, date, and CVV are included and valid, and are not responsible for the authenticity of billing and other information.


























































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